Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Worm Poop! - TerraCycle

Although I haven't used these products yet, I stumbled across these TerraCycle "worm poop" fertilizers in Home Depot the other day.

The company's flagship product, TerraCycle Plant Food™, is an all-natural, all-organic, 'goof-proof' liquid plant food made from waste (worm poop) and packaged in waste (reused soda bottles)!

Here is a video telling The TerraCycle Story...

It sounds very much like the "compost tea" that I have been reading about, but wasn't too interested in creating right now. More importantly, their worm poop based products fit within my "Healthy Yards" guidelines of non-synthetic fertilzation methods. Look for a future post reviewing how the products fared in feeding my lawn and tomotoes.

On a related note, Scotts Miracle-Gro is suing these guys for branding infringement and false claims. Looks like the typical David vs. Goliath! I have added their blog feed on the subject in the side column...--->>> it's a good read.

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