Friday, June 22, 2007

The Dirty Hoe

This is a quick one, as I have been working on a huge post about rain water capture and it has gotten away from me a bit. Just wanted to share a favorite Podcast called "The Dirty Hoe"

Your weekly guide to organic gardening and living in Edmonton heard Friday at 12:05pm and Monday at 2pm on CJSR FM88.
It's worth a listen and helps pass the time while you are on the train or biking to work in the mornings. Enjoy!


Dorothy Guyton said...

Thanks for the tip. Another great way to pass the time is to read a funny book about a novice gardener called "Diary of a Wannabe Gardener." If you are a gardener, you can truely relate to the failures and successes that the main character in the book goes through. Check it out out Amazon.c om the price is $9.95. Happy gardening. Keep me up on any other good ideas.

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